Starting the business…

Like many of us during the endless lockdowns, I spent more and more time out wandering through parks and gardens, as well as growing some of my favourite flowers at home. I’ve always enjoyed photography as a hobby and, after doing a pattern making course, I looked at some of my own photos and thought they might work for repeat patterns. After a few experiments, I took to Illustrator in a whole new way and was soon knocking out all sorts of designs, from minimal to totally maximal. It was then that I had a business idea that brought my love of flowers, gifts and design together.

My first series was a collection of wrapping paper, because who doesn’t love a present, right?! When they arrived from the printer, I was totally stoked at finally seeing the finished outcome of many stages of work. I sold a lot of that first collection but still have some stock, so visit The Flower Press if you would like to purchase some.

I’d really like to do another range of wrapping paper, so sign up to my newsletter below to be notified of new products.


The Flower Press