Garden Gathered

Through 2021 and 2022 I was working with my friend Sarah on her business, The Flower Press, doing some photography, writing and selling my wrapping paper designs. Sarah did a piece on the Western Australian floral farmer and designer Helen Leighton, and later Helen approached Sarah with the idea of doing a book about her stunning floral design work and Riverdale Farm in Albany, Western Australia.

Before I knew it, I was editing texts and sorting out hundreds of photos and over many months, we managed to put together Garden Gathered: floral design & rural life at Riverdale Farm. Coming in at more than 250 pages, this full colour hardcover is more than just a coffee table book, it’s an insight and inspiration into growing and gathering flowers in Australia. I am very proud of our efforts and love seeing the book flying off the shelves as people grab their copies of this limited edition.

Visit The Flower Press and Riverdale Farm.


The Flower Press